Friday, October 30, 2009
~Spiritual Sundays ~ How Long Has It Been?
Its Then Sings My Soul Saturday, with Amy at Signs, Miracles and Wonders. Thanks for being our gracious hostess, Amy!
"Then Sings My Soul". Think about that phrase...what makes your soul sing? I can't think of too many things that touch me to that my soul. Certainly nothing of this world. Yes, I love china and teacups, quilts and decorating my home. They make me happy, very happy, and I delight in making other people comfortable, sharing conversation, tea parties, and pretty surroundings. I don't know, though, if they make my soul sing. I can think of only one thing that I can't live without...the Lord Jesus...He makes my soul sing. Why? Because He is forever...he won't break, tarnish, wear out, or leave me...He is forever, and knowing that makes my soul sing. How long has it been since you talked with Him? How long since He made your soul sing?
Join Amy by clicking on her button on my sidebar for many songs and hymns, and may your day be brightened and your burdens lightened.
Pray in earnest for America. In December, a proposed "Treaty of Copenhagen" would, if signed by our president, bring about the destruction of our sovereinty. We would be controlled by a World Government with powers beyond that any government currently has. I'm not a political person, so I was unaware that previous presidents, such as Wilson and Roosevelt, were in favor of a one world government, but the people of this country stopped it then. Now its up to us. Please contact your state's year will be too late. You can find a video of this on youtube.
God bless you...I have found that there are even more people in blogland that are in urgent need of prayer...urgent...a young mother that has days to live, Melanie's son, Andrew, and so many others. Even if you don't know their names, God does..please take their needs to the Lord in prayer today.
Have a wonderful week-end, be safe, and make the most of every day that you've been given!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
White and Red Wednesday Tea Quilt
Its Wednesday, the middle of the week! Today I decided to participate in Rednesday along with White Wednesday, because, well, my quilt is red and white! Thanks to our hostesses, Kathleen at and Sue at . Be sure to visit both of these great ladies and all the wonderful contributions in white and red!
I made this Irish chain quilt for a dear friend as a Christmas gift about 3 years ago. Believe me, by the time I finished it, I had to really talk myself into giving it away! I did give it to her, and luckily, I have just enough left over fabric to make another one for me. In fact, my embroidery machine is peddling the needle to the metal as I type!
I found the teacup and teapot embroidery designs on ebay, but they might be on the web as well. I have seen them embroidered on tea towels and other projects, so they must be available someplace. Now that I think about it, I think I have the same set in a multicolor patterns as well…but I really like the red. I also made it in blue for another dear friend. I don’t have any more of this Mary Engelbreit fabric in blue, but I do have the same “FRIENDS” backing in blue, so I just need to find a matching color for the chain.
This is a crib size quilt. I quilted it using the stitch in the ditch pattern, and some free motion in the center block around the teacups. The center block says “Tea for Two, and Two for Tea”, but I forgot to take a picture of it.
The pattern isn’t wavy, as it looks in the photo…I just didn’t have it laying down flat…it was stretched across a chair, as seen in the first photo above, and was a little saggy here and there, so the squares look like they’re uneven, but they aren’t.
This is the back. Its also from the Mary Engelbreit '”FRIENDS” collection. Isn’t it the sweetest fabric?
I don’t know why I didn’t take a picture of the entire back of the quilt…its so pretty when you see it all opened out.
I also purchased some beautiful white linen napkins at my favorite thrift store last week, however, I haven’t found the perfect light to get the embroidered edges to show up well. I’ll keep trying so I can show them to you next week…they’re beautiful. I also have quite a bit of red in my house, so I’ll be back with more peeks into my tea cottage… The temperature is finally coming down a little, and the wind is blowing, knocking the leaves off the trees, so it looks like fall is finally here in the bay area…perfect tea drinking weather. I hope you’ll come back for another visit, and join me for a cup of tea and fellowship…its so nice to have a little tea with friends, even if its via blogging.
Thanks for stopping by!
God bless you all. Please continue to pray for our troops, especially since we have such a dilemma in our military…cover our young men and women with your prayers, and pray for their families, too…and please continue to pray for Debbie Ragan, that God will comfort her after the loss of her beautiful Amy Dawn. Several blogging friends have written beautiful tributes to Amy…I hope you will be able to read them.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Show Us Your Cottage~Roses, Teacups, and Scarecrows
Last week, I discovered a new “party” over at It is
Show Off Your Cottage Monday” brought to us by our lovely hostess, Cielo. Well, since I have a “tea cottage”, and I love everything and anything to do with cottage, I couldn’t wait to join in this week. Please find your prettiest rosy teacup, fill it with your favorite blend, sit yourself right down, and take a few moments to smell the roses! Then click on over to visit Cielo for more cottage inspiration!
I’m also joining our very sweet friend, Kim at , as she brings us “ Tea Things Tuesday”. There are some beautiful tea things waiting for you over at Kim’s, and more teacup lovers are sharing in the fun by participating, so be sure to visit them for a delightful tea party!
I can’t imagine a cottage without several teacups, and this is my newest addition, purchased only 2 days ago at my favorite antique store.. You won’t believe what I paid for her…$6.00! Yes, can you believe it? Would you like to know why? I was told that there is a teensy weensy chip just under the foot of the teacup…chip? Where? I don’t see any chip! Someone’s poor eyesight made a very good bargain for me! It is now one of my favorites, with the dainty pink and dark yellow roses that are very similar to the roses at the bottom.
I can’t tell you how much I enjoy sipping tea from a beautiful china teacup. Since I was a little girl, my eyes have delighted at the sight of the floral patterns in colors of the rainbow, the curves of the handles, the scalloped edges of the saucer, trimmed in gold leaf paint. When I’ve finished cleaning and putting things away, I reward myself with a moment or two of quiet bliss with a cup of tea. Whether rain or shine, it soothes my nerves, and makes me feel as though I’ve just begun my day anew. And if I’m fortunate to have a rose or two in bloom, all the better.
To welcome you as you walk toward the house is this cute little scarecrow…now tell me, does he look scary to you? Of course not. Every cottage also needs a scarecrow, and I think he’s the cutest little guy!
Oh, I guess he was a little scary after all…a few of the blooms on my petunia plant have up and died! Shhhhh…don’t tell anyone else…maybe they won’t notice.
Here’s his little friend, hanging on the side of the front door. Love that crooked smile! I thought about using him to sweep the cobwebs from the windows on either side of the door, but I just couldn’t get him dirty, now could I? Ooops, looks like he’s scary, too…look at those dead and dying stems on the geranium plant!
I'm afraid this is the extent of my autumn decorating, at least so far.
We had our first rain of the season a couple of weeks ago, and just as it ended, I tried to capture the raindrops kissing the roses…I hope you can at least a little…
it was warm and sultry, giving the roses such a romantic air about them.
This beautiful lavender tea rose seems to be too lanky, but I’m not sure why…she gets plenty of sun and water…perhaps I should sing to her…I’ve heard that helps plants grow. On second thought, my singing might not be the answer I’m looking for!
Looking out from the front porch. First sign of fall is the yellowing of this birch tree’s leaves.
The day before the rain was due to come, I went out and cut several bouquets of roses and brought them in…here are two of my favorites…sorry, I don’t remember the name of either of them…one might be a double-delight, but not sure.
Isn’t this color just gorgeous? A peachy tangerine on the inside, bordered with a beautiful “hot” pink!
The picture below is untouched…I have no idea how it turned out this way…sort of transparent, as if you can almost see through it The vase holding these two beauties belonged to my mother…I received very few of her things when she passed, but I did manage to get two of these bud vases, and another one a little larger…I don’t think they are that old, but they were hers, and that’s what matters…I love them.
Oh, what a delicious PINK!
As you can see, my kitchen table needs refinishing, but I’m waiting until the last grandchild grows out of carving pictures in the wood!
I am so glad you dropped by my cottage and I hope you enjoyed my roses …they are my favorite part of having a cottage style home. .. its a delight to have the color and fragrance fill my the yard and house all summer long, and well into autumn.
Don’t forget to visit Cielo on Monday and Kim on Tuesday…I know you are going to enjoy all the other cottage and tea things …so many beautiful rooms, gardens, heirlooms, or just things are loved for what they do for the owner…enjoy your adventure, and be sure to come back next week for more peeks inside my tea cottage home!
God bless everyone…God bless and protect our wonderful troops, so dedicated to their country, their flag, and OUR freedom, keep them safe, and bring them home soon. God bless their families, and bring peace to their hearts.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Spiritual Sundays~One Note Musician
I would like to share a page from God's Little Devotional Book.
"A series of illustrations in a popular magazine once depicted the life story of a "one-note" musician." From frame to frame, the tale revealed how the women followed her daily routine of eating and sleeping until the time came for the evening concert. She carefully inspected her music on the stand, and tuned her instrument. As the concert began, the conductor skillfully cued first one group of musicians and then another until finally, the crucial moment arrived. It was time for the one note to be played!
The conductor turned to the violinist and signaled her to sound her note. She did, and then the moment was over. The orchestra played on and the "one-note" woman sat quietly through the rest of the concert - not with a sense of disappointment that she had played only one note, but with a sense of contentment and peace of mind that she had played her one note in tune, on time, and wtih great gusto.
Sometimes, "one-note" people are criticized for being limited or narrow in their perspective by those whose lifestyle requires the wearing of many "hats". But a job well done by others is valued by God, so it certainly deserves our recognitition and respect."
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might. Ecclesiastes 9:10 NIV
Did this speak to you about someone you know...yourself, perhaps? I've been on both ends of this story...thinking I wasn't doing enough, thinking I was doing too much, and just wanting one note to play. Either way, what matters is that whether I play a note or a one woman symphony, that it would be only as God has called me to more, no less, and nothing on my own.
Have a wonderful Sunday, all of you, and may god bless you. Please remember to pray for our troops, for our military, for our president and for our great nation. Remember Debbie and her family as they grieve for their beloved Amy Dawn.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Remembering Sweet Amy Dawn
I am dedicating this wonderful song to Amy for "Then Sings My Soul Saturdays", because I know she is now gazing into the eyes of our beautiful Lord. We will miss you, Amy, and we will always remember you.
Please go to "Then Sings My Soul Saturdays" by clicking on the musical note to the right to visit many other uplifting and inspiring posts that will start your week-end with a song in your heart.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Are Girls Born This Way?
Ready for some laughs? Then join Kim at Friday Funnies, and make your day! I found this online and thought it was very cute…some of them are actually funny, too…enjoy!
Someone sent this to me in an email...I can relate!
God bless you, everyone. God bless our troops and God bless America!
Government out of Control
Back in 1992, I purchased this book, "The Coming Economic Earthquake", written by Larry Burkett in 1991. Mr. Burkett is widely known and respected as a financial expert that follows biblical principals to achieve debt free wealth and Godly lifestyle. Here is just a little of what is inside this book. Remember that it was written in 1991.
"Peace and Safety"..."That's the economic news and forecast from the White House, the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Treasury, and a web of enormous banks and insurance companies. The fact is that America faces its greatest financial crisis in history during the 1990's. As massive government debt exceeds the total net worth of the United States government, the ever-growing need for new revenues will bring massive tax increases and soaring interest rates. Inflation will influence the daily decisions of every American as we seek to maintain eroding lifestyles." (inside cover)
"There is approximately $600 billion stored in private IRA' is possible that the total may reach $1.5 trillion. That great hoard of money will simply be too tempting for the politicians to pass up). It is very likely that privagte retirement accounts will ultimately be absorbed into the Social Security systemand their owners given "equivalent" benefits." page 138
"The Health Care Deficits...When the costs of Medicaid are included, the total cost of government provided health care represents nearly 30% of all taxes paid. Because of this and the escalating costs of private insurance, it seems certain that we will adopt some form of government sponsored health insurance over the next few years...What is the probably source of funding? Business taxes. Unfortunately, what the government doesn't seem to grasp is that bsinesses don't pay taxes...they simply pass the added costs along to the consumers. If the laws change to prohibit passing these costs along (as some politicians suggest), then the businesses will simply pack up and move to more amenable countries to make their producgs. Small businesses that cannot do this will end in bankruptcy. Then we will lose the tax revenues they generate and add more people to the entitlements system." page 140-141
"...I suspect that our less-than-conservative politicians will sell the public on more debt to fund their social programs. I can already hear the politicians' appeals on the evening news: "Its clear that the alarmists were wrong about the debt. The economy has recovered, and now we need to get on with the business of government: meeting needs. I recommend that we raise the allowable budget deficit to $6 quadrillion..."
"It is my assumption that some event will initiate a massive spending cutback on the part of consumers. This could be a stock market crisis or an oil embargo, but more likely, it will be the collapse of several "mega-banks", insurance companies, or large corporations." Page 152
Crack #2...MONETIZING THE should be noted here that the printing of money to pay the government's bills will be one of the last, and certainly the most desperate, measures because of the potential severity of the consequences." Friends, this is already being done!
Crack #3...TAXES, TAXES, TAXES. (Google Value Added Tax...this is what our government is already proposing.)
If you can find this book, you will have a much better understanding of what is happening, and what is coming, if this administration isn't stopped NOW! What is interesting about this book is that Mr. Burkett wrote this in 1991, thinking we would see these monetary changes by 1999. In 2003, he wrote an article where he said that although his timing was off, this collapse is still eminent without intervention by the American people. Unfortunately for us, he died of cancer shortly after that, and we no longer have his voice to warn us of the future catastrophe...we just have this book. We also have Fox cable news...watching for just one day will open your eyes...watching mainline news will keep you in the dark.
Thanks for reading this...please pray for our country.
God bless you all. Please continue to pray for our military...they are in great need of prayer covering.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
White Wednesday and WOW!
I have some pretty pictures for you at the bottom of the page...but first:
Many of you know Queenmothermamaw. She has a wonderful blog, and I always enjoy visiting her for her humor and her wisdom. She has three blogs, but due to time, I have only visited one...until tonight. I discovered another beautiful side of Queen, aka Peggy, and that is her love of people and of our country. She has dedicated one of her blogs to people that also care about people and our country. It is Woman of Wisdom, and you can find it by clicking on the WOW pin on my sidebar. I have an award and tag free blog, because I just don't have a lot of life is very busy and stressful, but when I received a comment on my post about this award being offered to me, I had to accept it. Thank you, Peggy, for thinking of me. There are so many others that are deserving of recognition for the courage they have, for the love that they give, and for the heart that beats for the needs of others. I hope they will all visit this wonderful blog and let Peggy know how much they appreciate her...this is her ministry, and she is truly a woman of wisdom, and a blessing to us all.
I love White Wednesday...I love all things white! Unfortunately, my son took my computer with him to get it up to "speed", literally, so I'm using my laptop and can't download my pictures, but I found some darling rooms for you to oogle. I hope you find some inspiration in them!



May God bless you all!
Monday, October 19, 2009
~An Autumn Tea Party~
Today is Tea Things Tuesday, brought to you by our lovely and very shabby, pink and pretty hostess, Kim! Click on the tea cabinet to the right to join her and the other participants to see some beautiful things that are all about tea.
I’m so glad you are here, because I want to show you some photos I took at our monthly tea party . When I first started my blog back in late June, I told you about the tea club that I’m part of…the Rose Petal Tea Society. We all love tea, some of us more than others, but we all share in the love of getting together each month for a tea party. Sometimes we go out, and sometimes one of the “girls” will have the tea party in her home.
This month, we were blessed with perfect weather for an outdoor tea on the deck. It was all autumn, and we were also asked to wear a straw hat decorated with an autumn theme. I tried to get pictures of all of them, but I must have been moving more than I thought, so several of them were blurred, but I do have a couple to show. Some of us, like yours truly, forgot to wear hats, but we sure enjoyed seeing the creativity of our friends!
Once again, I forgot to take pictures of the delicious food that was served. We started out with homemade potato soup, followed by a spring green salad, then we were served wonderful open face chicken salad sandwiches, spread on a leaf or pumpkin shaped piece of bread. Our tea choices were ginger peach and apple cinnamon…delish!.
All three tablecloths were made by our hostess, Karen, just for us!
I have no idea how I got this picture at this angle!
And she used her green and yellow depression glass…so beautiful!
We all received a bag of daffodil bulbs along with these two copies of lovely verse and information.
Isn’t this a pretty yellow teapot?
Sheila shared with me that she and her hubby just celebrated 50 years of marriage! Congratulations, Sheila!!!!
Are these beautiful autumn colors, or what? Good job, Linda!
Lois decorated her hat with real leaves from her yard! Look at those beautiful colors of purple and gold!
Kathy had surgery on her hip recently and uses this cane for a little extra support. Having to be right in style, she decorated it for the occasion!
Kathy delightfully says “I won, I won! I won the door prize…go, me!”
Perfect floral arrangement for an outdoor autumn tea!
There are about 18 in our club, but a few were not able to attend, so we had fourteen on Saturday. I wish all of you could have been there with us to share in a beautiful day of fellowship, giggles, political talk…yes, I said political talk. We might be cute and frilly, but we’re women of substance, and we will fight for our grandchildren. Don’t mess with us!
Seriously, our government is not governing at all…only they know what they are doing, because the rest of us do not. Logic and common sense have been abandoned, as has morality and honesty. Do you remember being a kid and having someone bigger than you hold you down on the ground, or tie your hands behind your back? Do you remember how you felt? I do. I felt very angry and vulnerable. Guess what..I feel that way now. Someone bigger than me is holding me down. My question is this…what happens to personal freedom when they refuse to let you go?
So I return to my tea cottage, put the kettle on, take a scone or two out of the freezer and warm it up, then pray that God will strike a match under our complacency. Thinking back to some old westerns, I recall that the good guys always won. I wonder…maybe we need the Calvary to come along waving the American Flag. Who is the Calvary today? You and me.
If you’re weary of the constant dismantling of our constitution, come and join me for a cup of tea. We will have a moment of contentment before the Indians scalp us.
God bless you all. God bless our troops, and protect them from harm. Thank you.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
~One Anothering~
Thanks to Charlotte and Ginger, we are enjoying another wonderful “Spiritual Sundays“, please join them and be blessed! Just click on the blue sky to the right.
From The Tea Lovers Devotional, by Emilie Barnes
“When we join forces with others, we become stronger, and it becomes difficult to weaken our positions. There is great strength in unity. This concept is at the center of why we need to be in a church that’s teaching God’s Word every time we meet. We need the support of others if we are to grow in Christ. We can join up with a mentor to learn the faith lessons they have gleaned from their experiences. And we can become mentors to share our stories, our failings, and our victories as Christians. This is how we strength our journey and built up the body of Christ.
To impress upon you the importance of oneness, today I want you to examine various scriptures from the book of Romans:
* belong to one another (12:5)
* be devoted to one another (12:10)
* honor one another (12:10)
* share with God’s people who are in need (12:13)
When has someone come alongside you and offered to help you through a difficult time? It is amazing how much lighter the workload becomes when there is one other person tackling it. Just think how much can be done when you share your load with God! I know it isn’t easy to ask for help, but give it a try. When you help someone, you feel good. When you allow someone to help you, you give them the opportunity to feel good.
Prayer: God, let me realize how important it is to have a support system of fellow believers who have kindred spirits. I cannot walk the journey alone – I need friends who will encourage me and lift me up. I am not an island unto myself. Amen
HEART ACTION: Remember the “one another” scriptures and try to follow them during your day. Reach out to others and allow others to connect with and support you.
Almost every day, I read another heart wrenching blog, another person that has lost a job, or had an accident, or has been diagnosed with a life threatening disease. And they aren’t just telling us about their need, they are reaching out to us for prayer. They are counting on us to support them, to encourage them, to pray for them, to expect a miracle with them. We have a military that needs to be encouraged, lifted up in prayer, asking the Father for protection and safe keeping. I pray that, in even a small way, I am an encouragement to all of them, and to my friends and family here at home. We are hearing so much about “spreading the wealth” lately, but let’s spread the LOVE, and be a light to those that are in darkness right now. Let’s be a blessing out of the abundance that has been given to us.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Then Sings My Soul
One song that moves me to tears is this one. There are many versions on Youtube, and they are was difficult for me to choose which one to post, but I chose this one because of the audience. Notice that they are all young. This was probably a live concert, though I have no idea where or when, but I am struck and moved by the worship of these young people. They don't need rock music, or drugs, or alcohol...they are on a spiritual high that is beautiful to behold.
For the Lord God Almighty reigns
For the Lord God Almighty reigns
Allelujah, holy, holy
Are you Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the Lamb
You are holy, holy
Are you Lord, God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the Lamb
Allelujah, Allelujah
For the Lord God Almighty reigns
Allelujha, Allelujah
For the Lord God Almighty reigns
Allelujah, holy, holy
Are you Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the Lamb
You are Holy, holy
Are you Lord God almighty
Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the lamb
you are holy, holy
Are you Lord God almighty
Worthy is the lamb, Worthy is the Lamb
You are holy, holy
Are you Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the Lamb
You are holy, holy
Are you Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the lamb
You are Holy, holy
God bless you all, and God bless America, land that I love. Blessed the courageous men and women in the military, both the United States and other countries that fight with them to win the war on terror. Be with them, and guide them, by Your light, and by Your Word.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
~Halloween Funnies~
Happy Friday, blogging friends! Yesterday, I felt compelled to share my concerns with you about a serious matter, but today, we’re going to lighten up, so please join Kim at for some fun and laughter. So, are you ready for Halloween? I’m not, but this little funny is getting me in the mood. Hope you get a giggle out of it!
A man is walking home alone late one foggy Halloween night, when behind him he hears
BUMP. . .
BUMP. . .
BUMP. . .
Walking faster, he looks back, and through the fog he makes out the image of an upright casket banging its way down the middle of the street toward him.
BUMP. . .
BUMP. . .
BUMP. . .
Terrified, the man begins to run toward his home, the casket bouncing quickly behind him.
FASTER . . .
FASTER . . .
BUMP. . .
BUMP. . .
BUMP. . .
He runs up to his door, fumbles with his keys, opens the door, rushes in, slams and locks the door behind him. However, the casket crashes through his door, with the lid of the casket clapping.
clappity-BUMP. . .
clappity-BUMP. . .
clappity-BUMP. . .
on his heels, as the terrified man runs.
Rushing upstairs to the bathroom, he locks himself in. His heart is pounding; his head is reeling; his breath is coming in sobbing gasps.
With a loud CRASH the casket breaks down the door.
Bumping and clapping toward him.
The man screams and reaches for something, anything, but all he can find is a bottle of cough syrup! Desperate, he throws the cough syrup at the casket. . . .
The coffin stops.
Happy Friday, everyone…don’t forget to click on over to Kim’s for more laughs. Have a wonderful week-end…God bless you!
~Let Freedom Ring~
I hope everyone’s Thursday is going great, and that you are either taking it easy today, or being very productive, whichever suits you…some days are better than others for either of these “activities”, so do what your body is asking from you.
I’m not posting anything of my own today, but I would love for anyone that is visiting to go over to Lynn’s blog at
and read what she has to say. I know there are many people that would not agree with Lynn or with me, but I have to say this…our government is going off the deep end with this so called “health care reform”. Its a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and needs to be stopped before it passes…if it should pass, we will regret it for generations to come. Please educate yourselves on this issue…it is NOT what this country needs. There have been signs for several months, signs of corruption, lies, concealing facts…its unbelievable that we have a band of thieves running this country! I keep wondering why Congress is continuing to push this phony bill through, and I’ve determined there can be only one reason…enough of us are not crying out “NO, NO, NO, YOU CANNOT DO THIS TO US”. Where do they get the right to give money to corrupt businesses, to not pay their taxes, to cohort with Socialists and Marxists and Communists, and somehow retain the privilege of staying in office? We have to stand up for morality, decency, honesty, purity, and get back to the roots that this country was founded on! It doesn’t matter who you voted for, or what political party you prefer, this is about American FREEDOM. Our Constitution , the instrument that insures we stay a free country, is being totally ignored. We need to get our heads out of the sand right now, and start speaking up. Take a few minutes, or maybe an hour, and read The Bill of Rights…then you will know what this country is supposed to look like…we are losing everything that America was built on…its being taken from us, and we’re letting it happen!
Okay, my blood pressure is up, so I’m going to get this published before I change my mind.
God bless you all, God bless America, and God bless our troops…who still believe they are fighting for freedom…let’s not let them down!
Monday, October 12, 2009
~Time For Tea and Thank You~
I feel so fortunate to have met some wonderful people through this blog. , and I want to thank all of you that left comments for me on Sunday, when I shared with you that my husband has lost almost all of his sight due to retinitis pigmentosa. Your kindness and prayers mean the world to me…I am so blessed to call you friends. It meant so much to me, also, to learn that so many of you, or someone you love, is experiencing vision loss due to various conditions. We really don’t know what we have until we lose it, and eyesight is something so precious, that it is very devastating when you feel it slipping away. As so many of you told me that your heart goes out to me and my husband, I want you to know that mine goes out to you, and that I am praying for you, too. Without miracles, what has been lost seldom returns, but we know that we gain in spiritual sight…we can see in another dimension what we could not see before. Our senses are awakened to what really counts in life, so our loss is lessened, and in most cases, we are better for it. My husband knows that, and even though there are moments of frustration, he counts his blessings. Again, we both thank you very,very much!
Tuesdays are a favorite time to share all things tea with Kim @ Since I love tea and all the wonderful china and silver, flowers and linens that accompany a tea party, whether for one or for a hundred, collecting those things has become a favorite hobby of mine, and I love sharing them with you.
This little teapot with its matching creamer and sugar bowl are made by Coastline Imports. I bought them at Home Goods earlier this year…now you Home Goods shoppers know that so often, you will find the teapot, or the cream and sugar, but seldom do we find complete sets…unless you just happen to be there the day they put them out! I never saw any matching teacups, so I don’t have them…yet…but I’m working on it!
The pattern is Petite Fleur…don’t you just love that name?
I love the border of a black swag adorned with tiny pink roses.
My roses decided to give me one last huge burst of blossoms this past week, on almost every busy I have. Since we’re expecting a storm in late tonight, I went out today and cut every rose that had begun to open, leaving only those small buds that I felt would survive the rain over the next couple of days. My house is full of the beautiful aroma of roses. The roses pictured with my tea set is a soft peach. All of a sudden, I can’t remember the name, and its dark out so I can’t go look. It is a tea rose with huge buds and blooms, with a wonderful fragrance, too. I love the color… one of my favorites, and I think they look so nice with this sweet little tea set.
From the Tea Lovers Devotional, by Emilie Barnes:
Heart Action…"Practice integrity in all that you say and do. Work on making promises only when you are certain you will keep them. Become a woman that others can trust.”
Thank you so much for joining me Tea Things Tuesday. I’m going to put the tea kettle on right now, and warm the scones, so please join me for a little tea party, and we’ll sit by the fire as we sip, taste, and enjoy watching the rain.
I know I always ask you to pray for our troops. I’m asking again…we can’t forget about them. They need our prayers and they need to know we care. There are many organizations that you can join and help by sending needed items and writing letters. When I think of how encouraging it is to read your blogs and to receive sweet comments from you, I can just imagine how encouraging it would be for them to receive little notes or cards from people that they haven’t met, but who tell them that their courage and dedication is appreciated so very much. Pray that they return home safely…and soon.
God bless everyone, and God bless our troops.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Can you See Me Now?
Its Sunday and I am so happy to be particpating with Charlotte and Ginger in Spiritual Sundays. Just click on the blue sky to the right to visit these sweet ladies and those that are also joining in. You will find uplifting and encouraging words here.
These are pictures of my granddaughter’s face. I’m showing you just a piece at a time. This is the way my husband sees her face when he looks at her. Sometimes, he doesn’t even see this much. There are times that I will be sitting in the room with him, and will get up to get something. From the kitchen, I can hear him quietly speaking to me. He thinks I’m still there…he doesn’t know I’ve left the room.
This is the way people with eye disease might see you. My husband has retinitis pigmentosa. The blood vessels leading to the eye disintegrate, so that light cannot be brought to the retina. It is heredity. He has no vision in one eye, and only 20% in the other. He has no peripheral vision…he cannot see above, below or on either side…he sees only what is directly in front of him.
From these pictures, you can only imagine what my granddaughter looks like. You can’t see her sweet face, her cute laugh, or the twinkle in her eyes. When we don’t see the whole, we miss the fullness of the beauty.
We, too, have a hereditary disease that destroys the light that streams to our spiritual eyes…. It leaves us with limited vision. We don’t see the fullness or the beauty of God. Spiritually, we see just as my husband sees…in part, and only what is directly in front of us. We don’t see above or below, or to the sides. We don’t see past our small circle of self. Our vision is limited by prejudice, or by busy-ness, or by selfishness. We see actions of people, but we don’t see their hearts. We see their skin, but we don’t see their spirit. We see their accomplishments, but we don’t see their wounds.
We don’t even see ourselves, if light is not shed on the hidden parts of our hearts and minds. Our perception of ourselves can be blurred and blemished.
In 1 Corinthians 13:12, the Apostle Paul tells us…
“Now we see a blurred image in a mirror. Then we will see very clearly. Now my knowledge is incomplete. Then I will have complete knowledge as God has complete knowledge of me” (GWT)
While on earth, we are incomplete in our understanding. We strive for so much knowledge, and so much wisdom, and so much spiritual knowledge, but Paul wanted us to know that until that day when all is revealed to us, our goal is to love.
verses 4 through 11
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.”
I pray for God’s love to fill my heart…that my actions and words are loving and encouraging. I think as we pray this prayer, and obey the command to love, our spiritual vision is increased.
God bless everyone…have a wonderful Sunday!
Glory, Glory Hallelujah
I am happy to be participating in Then Sings My Soul Saturday, or TSMSS for short, again with Amy at for Then Sings My Soul Saturday. I know you will enjoy visiting all the participants for inspiration music and words.
This is one of my favorite hymns. In the current climate of our world, it really speaks to me like never before. I remember standing beside my mother as she sang with a Salvation Army band on a street corner in Chicago. I can still see her in her blue uniform. We truly are in the Lord's Army, and His Truth will march on!
Please pray for our troops and their families. Pray that they are protected by an invisible blanket that covers them, by an invisible shield that reflects the bullets back to the sender, and by an invisible force, the Army of the Lord, that will fight along side each and every one of them. Pray for the families that have lost a loved one that bravely fought for freedom, both ours and that of oppressed nations that have suffered under harsh dictatorship. This country has always had the greatest compassion and concern for the needs of the people of this entire globe. We, the people of the United States of America, have always believed in fighting for the rights of each person, to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I am so very proud of this country's brave men and women that are willing to fight and die for freedom.
God bless them all, and God bless you, dear blogging friends. Please come back again for another cup of tea, sharing, prayer, and a moment of serenity.
**NOTE** Blogger is playing tricks again. Somehow, this post got published twice, so its showing today, Oct. 10th and also on Oct. 7th. I wrote it and saved it as a draft, but it didn't publish , or so I thought, so I guess I published it again. People have left comments on both posts...I have no idea what is going on, but if you've left a comment and don't see it, don't worry...I'm seeing it! Thanks!!!
**NOTE #2** These comments were left on the other post. I'm going to delete that one, since most are finding this post, but I don't want to delete the comments so am pasting them here:
chicamom85 said...
What a beautiful post and thank you. We have 2 very good friends who have daughters in Afghanistan, we pray every day.
God bless you Anne
October 10, 2009 12:14 AM
JesuLalaine said...
I had goosebumps while listening to the song and reading your post...
God's truth is marching on! Amen!
Lalaine's World
From Asia and Beyond
Day to Day Miracles
Trying to be Fit
Not a Shopaholic
October 10, 2009 12:38 AM
Fairy Footprints said...
Mary how lovely. This is a wonderful way to start out the weekend. Blessings to you and your family. What a lovely post.
October 10, 2009 12:47
Friday, October 9, 2009
Friday Funnies
Its Friday Funnies here at my tea cottage, and I’m so glad you’re here to laugh with me. I don’t know about you, but right now, the world, especially our own country, seems to be going a little off-sides, to use a football term, and it just seems to me that if all of the leaders around the world would trade their anger in on a little laughter, we might get somewhere. Alright, that’s just a little naive, I know, but its a good thought, anyway, and even if they don’t, we can…so come along the happy trail today, and let Kim at and all these great participants cheer you up.
I can’t tell you how many funny stories and videos I’ve come across this week that I wanted to share with you, but then I got this in an email, and thought it was too cute to pass up. Enjoy!
A 72 year old bachelor who loved to fish was sitting in his boat
one day when he heard a sexy female voice say, 'Hey, handsome, pick me up.'
He looked around and couldn't see any one. He thought he was dreaming so he returned to his fishing--when he heard the voice say again, 'Go ahead, Good Lookin', pick me up.'
He looked in the water and there, floating on the top , was a frog.
The man said, 'Are you talking to me?'
The frog said still in that sexy female voice, 'Well, Yessss, I am talking to you.
Pick me up, then kiss me and I'll turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. I'll make sure that all your friends are envious and jealous because I will be your bride!'
The man looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, carefully picked it up, and placed it in his front pocket of his shirt.
Then the frog said, 'WHAT? Are you crazy? Didn't you hear what I said? I said kiss me and I will make your dreams come true.'
He opened his pocket, looked at the frog, smiled and said, 'Nah, at my age I'd rather have a talking frog.'
With age comes wisdom
When I first read this story, I did laugh…I wasn’t expecting the punch line. Now, if you’re like me, and I know you are, you will find a “moral” to this story…I would love to hear it, so please share your thoughts in the comment section… funny or serious…whatever comes to your mind.
Okay…I’ll go first.
Because this story ends with the words “with age comes wisdom”, what came to my mind was “temptation often comes to us looking very beautiful and appealing, with promises of wealth, fame, power, or whatever your desires may be.” However, it often disappoints and brings more heartache than its worth.
What do YOU say?
Have a wonderful Friday, everyone…may the good Lord bless you. I pray that He blesses our beautiful, free country, the United States of America. I pray that we stay united in our fight for an honest government that is truly for “we, the people”. If you’ve followed the news, you know that our voices make a difference…speak up, stand up, pray up!
Don’t forget our troops and their families. Pray that they are protected by an invisible blanket that covers them, by an invisible shield that sends the bullets back to the sender, and by an invisible force, the Army of the Lord, that will fight along side each and every one of them.